We Want to Be Where We are Loved

“You want to be where you are Loved.” 

Simone, age 6 ½

For those of you who have had the experience of chauffeuring your own children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews or neighbor kids sine cell phones or iPad you know that the time huddled in the automobile can be an incubation of ideas, plot lines, humor, disagreements and more.

You also remember that you can shift from discussing the hockey score to something more insightful.

Three years ago, while visiting our son, daughter-in-law, and two grandchildren in Minneapolis, our daughter-in-law shared with us that she was going to become a member of the Catholic Church. I am a cradle Catholic as is my husband, sons and now grandchildren. Despite the issues I have with the larger institutional Church, I have chosen to remain “in the Church.” However, I was not expecting our daughter-in-law, a very bright, impressive, delightful young woman to join the fold. We never raised the question. Sophie was always very respectful of Francis being involved in his faith. She was fine with raising their children Catholic. We appreciated that and thought that was it.

Fast-forward to this summer, July 2020. Grandpa, grandkids, visiting from Twin Cities, and I are driving to the St. Louis Zoo. Not sure how we shifted from what animal they wanted to see first to discussing Church, but we did. I was explaining that I really like the Church we attend here in St. Louis and I also really like their Church in Minneapolis. I like their Church because it is small and very, very welcoming. I must have said something like, “I can see why your Mom wanted to be a part of that.” To which Simone simply popped up with:

“You want to be where you are Loved!”

Exactly. How is it that a 6-year-old can see so clearly what it takes us adults decades to discover? 

We want to be where we are Loved.

May all of us find welcoming places where we know we are loved. And may we create and provide places where people can be welcomed, loved and accepted for who they are.

Thank you, Simone.

7 thoughts on “We Want to Be Where We are Loved”

  1. Thanks, Marilyn. Simone just popped it right out. Maybe Jesus was on to something when He said,
    “unless you become like little children.”.
    Hope all of you are staying well. And that you and Rollie are settled in y our new place.


  2. Rhonda–Thank you for your comment. Makes you realize that when Jesus said, “Unless you become like little children.. . .” Hope all is well with you, Mike, Katharine, John and Ben. I think of Katharine every time I pass DuBourg.


  3. Shared with my daughter-in-law and she responded with some thought provoking comments:
    Very interesting.
    I have many thoughts on this.
    1. Does this reflect more on the parents and what how they teach there children?
    2. Why is it, when an adult says something profound we tend to want to judge their motives for saying it. “Why did they say it?” ” Do they think they are better than me?”
    3. Anytime a young child says things that should of seemed so simple to adults we question why we didn’t see it before….
    Sara was 4 years old and I was showing her a picture of all the president’s in history and she said….
    “Mommy where are all the women.”
    ” Good point.” I said… “there should be women there huh babe.”
    A 4 year old saw that and even questioned it.
    Kids are amazing. We should teach them, love them and help them grow into amazing people.
    Just some thoughts.
    Love ya

    Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note8.


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